What Attracts People More: Outdoor Advertising or Digital Advertising?

Scott Hirsch
3 min readDec 6, 2022


Out-of-home advertising has remained a highly effective medium despite the development of digital advertising. You can make sure your advertisements are displayed where they will be most effective by using location-based advertising. Additionally, this type of advertising is tailored to your target market, industry requirements, and brand.

Businesses can increase their sales and reach more local customers by implementing a location-based marketing strategy. Another effective strategy for raising your search engine ranking is location-based marketing. You can reach customers for less money by using location-based targeting.

Many prestigious businesses use location-based marketing. Retailers, eateries, medical facilities, and auto dealerships can all benefit greatly from it. It can improve the in-store shopping experience and raise brand awareness.

Local foot traffic is easily targeted by location-based advertising, making it effective. For instance, if you own a restaurant, you can notify customers via push notifications when they are nearby. You can also advertise a special deal to entice customers into your shop.

Combining location-based marketing with a social media strategy increases its effectiveness. For instance, during a crucial game, promotional materials for sports could be distributed throughout the stadium. Additionally, it can be used in conjunction with an omnichannel marketing plan.

OOH is an instantaneous visual advertising medium used in outdoor advertising. The main goal is to leave a positive, long-lasting impression on the public regarding a good or service. There are numerous ways to accomplish this. Billboards, street decor, transit advertising, kiosks, and POS displays are all included.

One of the most popular types of outdoor advertising is billboards. Large print advertisements are typically displayed on prominently elevated billboards. The boards are situated in busy areas and by the sides of the roads.

Out-of-home advertisements on buses, trains, and ferries make up transit advertising. Travelers, shoppers, and pedestrians can all see these advertisements.

The use of kiosks, building wraps, and lightbox signs are additional examples of out-of-home advertising. As technology advances, these types of advertising are growing in popularity.

Point-of-sale Displays — also referred to as in-store marketing campaigns — occur close to the conclusion of the purchasing process. The intention is to persuade customers to decide quickly when making a purchase. This form of advertising is thought to be especially effective for businesses that sell goods or services through retail channels.

An efficient marketing tactic is to use outdoor advertising to reach your target market. It can raise brand recognition, produce leads, and produce sales. Additionally, it is a profitable marketing strategy.

You don’t need to spend a fortune, unlike television advertising, to get your product in front of potential customers. For instance, you can put up billboards in busy places like shopping centers and train stations. Digital outdoor advertising is another common sight. These can show animations, videos, and images to convey your message.

You need a plan if you want your outdoor advertising strategy to be successful. It’s crucial to pick the appropriate media outlet to advertise your goods and services. In addition to billboards, you can advertise with mobile billboards and inflatable billboards. They may also aim for a particular location or occasion.

You can achieve market saturation by using a mobile billboard. The most powerful outdoor marketing advertisement can have a significant effect quickly.

The pandemic caused the worst decline in out-of-home advertising ever. Global sales decreased by 13.1% to $51.6 billion. PQ Media, which released a report on the industry for the years 2021 to 2025, claims that it is now recovering.

In the second quarter of 2021, revenue in the US market rose 38%. Consumer mobility is also getting back to where it was before the pandemic. More consumers are driving than using public transportation. Additionally, they are spending money on electronics for activities at home and working from home. As a result, out-of-home advertising spending is likely to increase. Major markets are also building new rail lines and upgrading airport terminals.

The transit sector is anticipated to once again become the hottest out-of-home media market in 2022. New rail lines will be added to major markets, and tourist-friendly areas will get new digital transit signage. Additionally, the report predicts that consumers will spend 6.3% more time per week interacting with OOH media.



Scott Hirsch

National brands Fortune 500 businesses, and significant advertising agencies are among their clients. Scott Hirsch is also a successful professional boxing man.